Thursday, September 20, 2018

Leafy Fun

The weather has been too warm here to turn our leaves the brilliant shades of Autumn.  But that hasn't stopped us from talking about the changes Fall will bring to our trees soon!  One of our activities has been to use silk leaves in Fall colors to toss and catch.

To practice graphing again, we did a Leaf Hunt and Graph in Circle Time.  Little Fall leaves were hidden all around the room!  The school friends worked to find them all and put them on the graph so we could easily decide which color had the the most, least, and medium amounts.  We reviewed the idea that the numbers go on the "up-and-down" line to help us count the leaves.  The color groups on on the "side-to-side" line to help us remember which groups of leaves we are comparing.

During Small Group, we painted various leaves collected from the yard.  Each had a different shape, and we talked about which tree the leaves came from: Oak, Dogwood, "Tulip," Bartlett Pear, and Redbud trees.  We pressed the painted leaves onto our papers to see the veins in the leaves more clearly.  Then we sprinkled gold glitter on the wet paint because that just makes Fall feel THAT much more magical!  :D  Now we just need the REAL Fall leaves to show up!

What's with the "Names?"

For new readers of the blog, this post is an explanation of the "names" Ms. Harmony uses when she writes about the school happe...

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