Friday, January 25, 2019

Polar Process Art

Process art doesn't need to be super messy, or even very complicated.  The school friends folded, rolled, and twisted up foil, then painted with blue glitter (mixed with school glue), to create these FREEZY icicles!  Now to get them hanging up...

The art easel invitation this week included varying sized spools, and blue, white, and black paint.  This encouraged color mixing and exploration, along with size comparisons.

Finally, for Small Group, we worked our fine motor muscles by ripping up black paper.  We discussed why polar animals often have dark feathers or skin (even if it is covered by white fur) to stay warm.  Black is a color that absorbs heat.  Then we used glue bottles to squeeze out glue drops and arranged our torn paper in collage form on white paper.  Polar animals are often white to help blend into the snow and stay safe from predators.  Science, art, and small group discussion all in one activity... that's a win!

What's with the "Names?"

For new readers of the blog, this post is an explanation of the "names" Ms. Harmony uses when she writes about the school happe...

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