Tuesday, April 9, 2019

How 'bout those Animals?

The focus of this week at Harmony's House is what animals are doing now that it's springtime.  The Explore Table has been turned into a frog pond!  All those hibernating frogs and toads are waking up and hopping to it at the pond.  The children enjoyed finding the frogs amidst water plants and smooth stones.  The lily pads are numbered, so the children that are inclined to do so can count out the frogs they find to match numbers and quantities.  Other children decided to sort the frogs into families.  Lots of science and math conversations happened around the pond this morning!

Animals are having and caring for their young.  For Small Group, we first looked at a variety of REAL bird nests!  The children talked about what materials the birds gathered to make nests: twigs, grass, leaves, tarp pieces, lint, hair, ribbon, and yarn.  Then the children were presented with play-doh, lint, string, and twigs to make their own bird nests.  We found that it took skill to be a bird and make an expert nest!

What's with the "Names?"

For new readers of the blog, this post is an explanation of the "names" Ms. Harmony uses when she writes about the school happe...

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