Monday, November 18, 2019

Babies of Harmony's House, part 4

The Babies of Harmony's House (Baby "E" and Toddler "K") have been growing, but not always in the ways one might expect.  Poor Toddler "K" has been diagnosed with Growth Hormone Deficiency this fall after exhibiting slow growth and development over the first years of her life.  This diagnosis has come after several appointments with a pediatric endocrinologist who required a battery of blood tests and even MRI under anesthesia.  Although the IV's, blood draws, tests, and trips have been somewhat (to very!) traumatic for little "K," the good news is that she now has a treatment plan.  She will require daily growth hormone injections until she reaches a full adult height.

But on the other hand, Toddler "K" loves counting to ten, finds rhyming to be funny (Crocs- rocks, Chicken-kicken), and now has a favorite color: blue.

Toddler "K" asked to be a blue M&M for Halloween and loved wearing her costume every time!  Hopefully her treatment for GHD will be successful, and she'll start growing in stature soon!

Baby "E" is almost as tall as "K" now and had her first birthday over the weekend.

She loves exploring everything with deep curiosity and focus.

Baby "E" is very close to walking, loves dancing and climbing.  And she is hilarious.  She makes the funniest expressions!

And, the best news is that she has started sleeping through the night on *some* nights!  Yes!

Babies of Harmony's House part 1, 2, and 3...

What's with the "Names?"

For new readers of the blog, this post is an explanation of the "names" Ms. Harmony uses when she writes about the school happe...

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