Friday, February 28, 2020

Train Engineers, Pilots, and Doctors! Oh My!

The best way to discover new passions is by trying them out... right?!  That's just what we've been doing during February.  Last week we shared about our work as construction workers and builders.  We continued to explore even more careers in the classroom.  

 We tried on train engineering for size.

One day for Small Group Time, we talked about different medical instruments and pretended to be veterinarians.  The children continued to work as vets and/or doctors throughout the week.

We loaded passengers and flew Little People to new destinations.

We put toothbrushes in the paint and brushed away at the art easel.  Dentists make sure we are doing our brushing just right.  *Bonus: this week was the first time Baby "E" painted and didn't try to eat the paint!  Way to go "E!"  You're growing up!

Friend "Sandwich" brought his fire equipment and did a show and tell.  He explained that helmets are for protecting your head, the extinguisher sprays out the fire, and the megaphone has a siren.  We used his equipment and materials from Harmony's House to build apartment buildings and houses, then rescued people, and put out the flames.

Toddlers "Kite" and "Koala" worked together to build many a road.

Thank goodness we all have a few years before we grow up and decide on a career.  There are just too many to choose from, and we had way too much fun working with these ideas to pick just one!

What's with the "Names?"

For new readers of the blog, this post is an explanation of the "names" Ms. Harmony uses when she writes about the school happe...

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