One of the new materials in the Toy and Puzzle Area is Tinker Toys. Naturally, in the spirit of the Halloween season, the children realized they could connect the Tinker Toys to make witch's brooms!
At first, they connected the sticks with hinge pieces, but asked for something that would allow you to connect sticks and wouldn't bend. We dug deeper in the basket and found a different kind of connector piece that would hold the sticks out straight. The final step was to add a fin piece to the end to be the broom bristles. :)
Next stop, the Moon! Eee-hee-hee!
We also added a new rhyme to our class Songbook that we chanted while "flying our brooms:"
"I'm a mean old witch with a hat!
I fly on my broom with my cat!
My hat is pointed and my chin is too.
You better watch out,
I might scare you!