Halloween has been a much anticipated Fall holiday here at Harmony's House! We started a count down on our Greeting Board and discovered Halloweenie fun in every Area! Here's some festive work that we did. Our paintbrushes at the art easel resemble witch's brooms, and we are exploring color mixing between white and black paint.
So much to explore in the Explore Table... we found pumpkins, skeletons, bouncy ball eye balls, bracelets, black beans, bugs, and jack-o-lantern bags! We pretended to trick-or-treat!
This Small Group activity was super "creepy!" We had to pick out all of these creepy-crawlies from the spider web with tweezers! Some friends said, "Eww yuck! This is too creepy!" when the bugs would get tangled in the web with their many many legs!
Stay tuned for more Halloween adventures coming up!