Sunday, March 3, 2019
Careers- What Will You Be? Part 3
Engineers work to solve all kinds of problems. On this day, Ms. Harmony challenged the school friends to work as engineers and use Duplo Legos to build a bridge to cross a "river." Some bridges had support beams going down into the water. Some spanned the river without touching the water. Some were designed to be the tallest bridge ever! What was amazing was how engaged the children were in designing, and redesigning bridge structures during Small Group. They literally needed a 2-minute warning that soon the activity would be over, but that they could continue working on this later during Work Time. That's when you know they are loving what they are doing!
One student expressed the desire to be a Mom when she grew up. Ms. Harmony thinks that's one of the best jobs in the world! :) Many House Area plans lately have included caring for baby dolls in the Nursery. The school friends bathe, dress, toilet, feed, play with, take to doctor appointments, and put to bed the baby dolls.
There are so many great jobs out there! The school friends have really enjoyed learning-by-doing just a few careers here at Harmony's House in the past few weeks.
What's with the "Names?"
For new readers of the blog, this post is an explanation of the "names" Ms. Harmony uses when she writes about the school happe...
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1. Spatial awareness- Use cookie cutters to explore size and shape. *Bonus* The child can count the number of "cookies" made ...
I'm super excited to say that Harmony's House has a new website! Information previously found here has been transferred to the new ...
Can't wait to share this sensory bottle with my school friends when they come back this week! Inspired by the little fish who shares...