We kicked off the first day of the fall semester 2019 today! A great time was had by all. Ms. Harmony is looking forward to seeing the new friendships develop with this little group. :) We worked on learning how to open and use glue sticks today by making these shape buses. Important info was shared, like:
- put the glue on your paper, not the table
- you have to stick the shape on the glue spot before it dries, or it won't be sticky anymore
- the glue stick starts purple and dries clear
- wheels are round like circles
- windows are rectangles
Work Time went really smoothly, and the Art Area continued to be a favorite place to work as you can see!
Friend "Sandwich" is really interested letters. Ms. Harmony pointed out the "red" sign that she made for the art easel. He named all the letters in the word and stated that "it says red because the paint is red!"
Toddler "Koala" and Friend "Sheep" used the Explore Table the most out of everyone today. There is just something fascinating about poking these long fuzzy sticks or dry pasta through the holes and watching it disappear. Not to mention, we used our ears to hear the clacky sound the noodles made when they moved around.
I spy a worm poking through Friend "Sandwich"'s apple!