We've currently have three sensory bottles to play with and these are so cool!
This one has purple bands, a bit of orange glitter, plastic bugs, clear glue and water. Just shake it up and watch the bugs "fly" around dodging the bands.
Next, the green bottle works best if you roll it, rather than shake it. Instead of glue, it's made with water and oil. Most of the green glitter conglomerates with the oil. The googly eyes float, so they are inevitably carried by the oil as well which always moves to the top of the bottle. When the bottle is rolled around, the oil moves like a slimy monster! And the eyes are ALWAYS watching you! Boo!
This last bottle is just plain pretty. :) Made with equal parts of clear glue and water, the red and gold glitter swirl slowly after being shaken. The fall colored gems will gently descend when the bottle is at rest. All in all, it's completely mesmerizing.
Sensory bottles are amazing because they are so unique. Depending on what you put in them, the results can be so different. If you haven't tried these yet for your kids or students, don't be afraid to start! It's almost impossible to go wrong. :)