Saturday, May 5, 2018

Once Upon a Time...

My spring group has all girls whose blood runs bright pink!  They love dressing up, playing house, gluing jewels, and they usually have their fingernails painted.  I decided to do a theme that would play right into their natural interests: fairy tales and nursery rhymes.

We defined fairy tales as stories from long ago that usually start "once upon a time," have characters like pigs, bears, fairy godmothers, princesses, wolves, dragons, etc. and that teach us good lessons about working hard, not talking to strangers, not taking food from strangers, and more.

Nursery rhymes are really short stories from long ago that have lots of rhyming words.  We listened for rhyming words and even made up silly rhymes ourselves.

In addition to creating a theme that would be enjoyed by my female students and provide language/literacy opportunities, I also wanted to see if I could get more block play in their Work Time choices.  Each area was updated with new ways to play, build, and create fairy tale stories (familiar and new ones!).

These castle blocks were the right size for the little people characters and tiny ponies.  We had unique architecture popping up all over the floor!  I also see a general tendency toward symmetry, which is really cool to see evidence of spatial awareness and mathematics in the girls' play.

Friend "Z" enjoyed this Dress-Up Princess where she could layer different kinds of fabric over a form and design dresses.  She wanted me to come and admire all of the different dresses she designed!

What's with the "Names?"

For new readers of the blog, this post is an explanation of the "names" Ms. Harmony uses when she writes about the school happe...

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