Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Over and Over Again

Patterns have been happening in Harmony's House!  We define patterns as something that happens again, and again, and again.  The children have worked with patterns during a few different parts of our day.

Circle Time- patterns were introduced as something that we can act out with our bodies.  I demonstrated two body parts that I could tap in the same order, over and over again.  "Shoulders, head, shoulders, head ..."  We patted alternating body parts to this tune:

"We can keep a steady beat, a steady beat, a steady beat.
We can keep a steady beat, (friend's name) show us how."

Then the next friend would pick two ways to use the body in a pattern and we all copy, say the pattern, and do it while singing the song.  Friend "B" came up with the funniest pattern!  Instead of doing two body parts, she chose two actions!  First she raised her arms like a cactus, then she pretended to dive into water.  Her pattern was "cactus, swim!  cactus, swim!"  Everyone loved doing that pattern the most!

Then I told the small friends that patterns can be colors too.  We used Magnetile squares to make AB, and ABC patterns across the floor.

Small Group- Since we were also working with the idea of Earth health, we used frogs in a pond to make patterns on a different day.  Frogs can tell us if the environment is healthy because the water that washes into rivers or streams is absorbed into the frogs through their skin.  If the water carries a lot of pollution, the frogs get sick and grow in strange ways.

To work on patterns, we used green and brown paper squares to be "lily pads."  The children made patterns of different kinds with the lily pads to help the frog cross the pond.  Friend "B" worked on AB patterns again.  This is friend "Z's" work.  She made an AAB pattern to help her frog.

Work Time- Friend "K" enjoys doing patterns so much she chose to do it on her own during Work Time with Magnetiles.  AB patterns are her favorite ones to create.

What's with the "Names?"

For new readers of the blog, this post is an explanation of the "names" Ms. Harmony uses when she writes about the school happe...

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